Month: November 2018
Court Upholds Challenge To Designation Of A “Critical Habitat”
Under the Endangered Species Act, when an animal is classified as “endangered,” the Secretary of the Interior must then designate the “critical habitat” of that animal for protection. In 2001, the dusky gopher frog was classified as endangered. The Secretary then designated the four areas where the frogs currently lived as critical habitats, along with another area, dubbed “Unit ... Read More
Protect Yourself Against Wire Transfer and Credit Card Fraud
We are seeing two varieties of online fraud, but the good news is securing your information is as easy as a few steps. The first type of fraud involves fake wiring instructions. The criminal learns that a transaction is about to occur and sends an email to a title company, bank, buyer, seller, or real estate agent saying that the wiring instructions ... Read More
Court Rules ADEA Applies To All Governmental Entities Regardless Of Size
When two firefighters were terminated to cut costs, they sued under the Age Discrimination Employment Act, alleging they were discriminated against based on their ages. The fire department argued that it did not have enough employees to qualify as an employer under the Act. The Act provides: “The term ‘employer’ means a person engaged in an industry affecting commerce ... Read More