MD: Maryland Implements Statewide Subpoena Form

imagesBeginning July 1, 2015, the Maryland Judiciary will begin using a statewide subpoena form. To ensure that the required seal of the issuing court and the proper clerk’s signature appear on the subpoena, there are separate forms for each circuit and district court; but the content of each from is the same.

Registered users can access the subpoena on The Maryland Electronic Courts (MDEC) portal by following the process below:
1. Log into:
2. Click on the “Help” link in the upper right menu of the screen. The help screen will appear and the link to the Uniform Subpoena is available under “Find an Answer”
3. Click the link for the county in the circuit or district court in which the case is filed

If you are not registered to e-file in MDEC:

1. You must register on MDEC to access the subpoena forms. Please note you do not have to become an MDEC e-filer to access the forms
2. You will need your Client Protection Fund number to register. If you do not know your Client Protection Fund number, email, providing your full name. Your Client Protection Fund number will be returned by email
3. Register at:
4. Once you are on the web page, click “Register Now” in the upper left box and follow the instructions. Each firm and sole practitioner must have a designated firm administrator who will be responsible for registering the firm and maintaining all users. You must register a firm administrator even if you are a sole practitioner.
5. Every attorney associated with your firm can now register as a user by clicking “Register Now” and choosing “User with an Existing Firm.”
6. After you complete your registration, you will be able to log-in to access the subpoena forms.
7. Log in with your username and password
8. Click the “Help” link in the upper right menu of the screen. The help screen will appear and a link to the Uniform Subpoena is available under “Find an Answer”
9. Click the link for the county in the circuit or district court in which the case is filed

For more information please see the Step-by-Step Registration. Paper subpoena forms will still be available at the court.  For questions or concerns about the registration process, please contact