Tag Archives: esa

Emotional Support Animals and Dangerous Dogs in Cooperative Apartment and Condo Communities

An emotional support animal (ESA) is a companion animal (typically a dog or cat) that provides therapeutic benefit to an individual with a mental or psychiatric disability. An ESA is not the same thing as a pet. Rather, for a resident of a co-op or condo who is living with a mental or psychiatric disability, an ESA may provide him ... Read More

Emotional Support Animals in Cooperative Apartment and Condo Communities: What Every Association and Owner Should Know

By DAVID A. RAHNIS An emotional support animal (commonly referred to as an “ESA”) is a companion animal (typically a dog or cat) that provides therapeutic benefit to an individual with a mental or psychiatric disability.  An ESA is not the same thing as a “pet”.  Rather, for a resident of a Coop or Condo who is living with a mental ... Read More