Tag Archives: tenants
D.C. Court of Appeals: TOPA Extensions Must Be Defined To Preserve Tenant Rights
In an important new ruling construing the Tenants Opportunity to Purchase Act (“TOPA”), the D.C. Court of Appeals held on September 23, 2015, that extensions of the deadlines for a seller and a tenant association to negotiate a sales contract must be express and contain a definite end-date to ... Read More
DC Tenant Bill of Rights– Landlords to Amend Their Practices as of July 3!
In August of 2014, then Mayor Vincent Gray signed a bill into law that requires landlords to provide their tenants with a copy of the District of Columbia Tenant Bill of Rights. The District has long been seen as a relatively tenant-friendly city and this new law, effective ... Read More
TAGGED: washington dc, landlords, tenant bill of rights, tenants